Rolling Mill

09. January 2025

Trailblazer in decarbonization:
Vattenfall and Dillinger sign Memorandum of Understanding

Vattenfall and Dillinger are taking the next step together on the road to net zero emissions: Vattenfall Europe Windkraft GmbH and the steel producer Aktien-Gesellschaft der Dillinger Hüttenwerke have now signed a declaration of intent to accelerate the use of CO2-reduced steel in future wind projects. At the same time, the declaration of intent supports the extensive investments currently being made at Dillinger to develop CO2-reduced steel production.

Steel is the most important material used in the construction of wind farms, and heavy plates such as produced by Dillinger are one of the most important structural elements in the wind industry. This makes CO2-reduced steel a major factor in the further decarbonisation of power generation. The memorandum of understanding (MoU) concluded between the two partners envisages Dillinger and Vattenfall cooperating closely to achieve the common goal of using low CO2-reduced heavy plates in future Vattenfall wind projects. For Dillinger, creating early demand for CO2-reduced steel is crucial to advancing investment in this technology and the decarbonisation of the steel industry.

‘We are clearly committed to climate protection and are demonstrating great entrepreneurial courage,’ explains Stefan Rauber, CEO of Dillinger. ’As corporate group, we are investing around 4.6 billion euros in the decarbonisation of our German production sites with the support of the federal and state governments. Our goal is to offer CO2-reduced quality steel from 2028/29. The fact that Vattenfall wants to implement its ambitious climate targets with this steel indicates to us the demand for CO2-reduced steel and gives us momentum for our Power4Steel decarbonisation project.’

‘The use of CO2-reduced steel, especially in our offshore wind farms, is an important lever in achieving our sustainability goals,’ says Samira Barakat, Vice President Partnerships and Business Transformation at Vattenfall. ’The availability of CO2-reduced heavy plates, such as those used in the steel foundations for offshore wind farms, is of central importance for this. We therefore welcome Dillinger’s pioneering investment in the decarbonisation of its production and would like to support this transformation in the best possible way. We aim to work closely with the entire value chain to identify potential hurdles at an early stage, find solutions together and further reduce the lifecycle emissions of our future wind farms.’


Martin Reinicke
Head of Public relations

Phone: +49 6898 102211
Fax: +49 6898 104014


Juliane Wernet
Public relations

Phone: +49 6898 102234
Fax: +49 6898 104014