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Our laboratory services


100 % reliable

Not only the rolling process but, above all, the chemical composition is decisive for the quality of a steel. For this reason, Dillinger’s chemistry laboratories are comprehensively equipped and employ highly capable staff to enable them to perform a broad range of analyses using the very latest state-of-the-art technology.

Our laboratories analyse all substances and materials used within our company

  • Incoming materials, such as alloying elements and additives
  • By-products and intermediates
  • End products, and also used and fresh water, lubricants, gases and all environmentally relevant substances

You can rely 100 % on these strengths

The competence of our laboratories in the performance of inspections and certifications.

They also prepare certified reference materials (CRMs) – for our own purposes, and for customers around the world.
Our laboratories fulfil the DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Kap. 5, DIN EN ISO 9001:2008, DIN EN ISO 14001:2005 and DIN ISO 45001 and the GAZ criteria for laboratories within the scope of “Technical Compliance” Level III, Module L2.

The chemical laboratories are approved by State Office for Environmental Protection and Occupational Safety (LUA) for the analysis of industrial wastewater according to EKVO.

They participate at regular intervals in German and international proficiency tests (“round-robin tests”), organised, for example, by the professional associations.


Akrreditierungsurkunde D-PL-19890-03-00 nach DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 (DAkkS – chemische Prüflaboratorien) (only in German)
Teil-Akrreditierungsurkunde D-PL-19890-03-01 nach DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 (DAkkS – chemische Prüflaboratorien) (only in German)
Teil-Akrreditierungsurkunde D-PL-19890-03-02 nach DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 (DAkkS – chemische Prüflaboratorien) (only in German)
Teil-Akrreditierungsurkunde D-PL-19890-03-03 nach DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 (DAkkS – chemische Prüflaboratorien) (only in German)
Teil-Akrreditierungsurkunde D-PL-19890-03-04 nach DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 (DAkkS – chemische Prüflaboratorien) (only in German)
Prüfverfahren und Labortätigkeiten (only in German)

Certified reference materials – for maximum certainty

You want maximum possible certainty in the assessment and calibration of chemical and instrument-chemical analytical procedures?

This is precisely what the certified reference materials from our chemical laboratories offer you – catalogued by matrix and with certificates documenting their chemical composition.

The portfolio is subdivided into three materials groups:

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Safety information sheets

Contact persons

Hans-Uwe Schmitz
The chemical laboratories

Phone: +49 6831 472186
Fax: 06831-47 3223