P420M HT

The ideal steel for high-temperature service

Your aim is to use structural steels that will be exposed to elevated working temperatures, but they must nonetheless meet high safety standards? Our P420M HT has been optimised to fulfil exactly these requirements, and is in reliable and successful use in the iron, steel and cement industries, and also in plant engineering, for precisely these reasons.

The strengths of P420M HT

  • An optimised chemical composition and low carbon equivalent permit extremely good weldability and high mechanical properties at elevated temperatures.
  • This thermomechanically rolled fine-grained structural steel has a minimum yield strength of 420 MPa in the lowest thickness range.


Data sheets & specifications

P420M HT – High strength fine grained structural steel, thermomechanically rolled, for high temperature application



Christoph Dickmann
Sales Director
Machinery & Construction Equipment, Steel Service Center

Phone: +49 6831 472385
Fax: +49 6831 47992681


Johannes Klemm
Head of Marketing & Technical Support, Machinery & Construction Equipment, Steel Service Center, Plate Processing, Protection Steel

Phone: +49 6831 475658
Fax: +49 6831 47999036