Dillinger heavy plate for
the Øresund Bridge
Across to Sweden on 25,000 tonnes of DI-MC
The Øresund Bridge, which has linked Copenhagen to Malmö, creating an unbroken road and rail connection from Central Europe to Scandinavia, since July 2000, has a length of nearly eight kilometers. Both cars and trains also run on heavy plates – in fact on thermomechanically rolled DI-MC 460 fine-grained steel plates supplied by Dillinger Hütte. These plates were used principally in the double-deck bridge structure, carrying the rail connection on its lower level and the road on the upper level. The colossal tonnage of heavy plate supplied corresponds, at 25,500 tonnes, to the gigantic scale of the bridge itself. The good workability properties of DI-MC and, in particular, its – for a higher-strength steel – excellent weldability, were the decisive factor in the engineers’ decision.
Contact persons

Natalie Federmeyer
Sales Director
Wind Power & Construction
Phone: +49 6831 473449
Fax: +49 6831 47992685

Dr. Tobias Lehnert
Head of Marketing & Technical Support, Wind Power & Construction
Phone: +49 6831 472394
Fax: +49 6831 473089

Timm Condé
Senior Sales Manager, Steel Construction
Phone: +49 6831 472196
Fax: +49 6831 47992681